ST-Link V2 for STM8 STM32 interface programmer
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ST-Link V2 for STM8 STM32 interface programmer

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The ST-LINK/V2 is an in-circuit debugger and programmer for the STM8 and STM32 microcontroller families. The single wire interface module (SWIM) and JTAG/serial wire debugging (SWD) interfaces are used to communicate with any STM8 or STM32 microcontroller located on an application board.
1. Support the full range of STM32 SWD interface debugging, simple interface (including power supply), 4 line speed, stable work; Interface definition shell directly address! Dont need to read instructions!
2, support all series STM8 SWIM download debugging (common development environment such as IAR, STVD etc.) are supported. Support the software version is as follows:
ST - LINK Utility 2.0 and above
STVD 2 and above
STVP 3.2.3 and above
IAR EWARM V6.20 and above
IAR EWSTM8 V1.30 and above
KEIL RVMDK V4.21 and above
3. Support the firmware upgrade automatically, to ensure that the ST company product support. When they leave the firmware has been upgraded to the latest V2. The J17. S4.
4. Increase the 5 v power output, the output it can protect the I/O port, not afraid of error cause damage of ST - LINK V2!
5. Easy interface to use pure copper plating 2.54 spacing horn, with 20 cm dupont line, can deal with different target board line sequence, flexible connection;
6. Use U disk aluminum alloy shell to protect the mainboard, convenient to carry, not afraid of static electricity, not afraid of tumbling.

Technical details
Dimensions 80mm x80mm x14mm
Weight G.W 19g
Battery Exclude
The ST-LINK/V2 is an in-circuit debugger and programmer for the STM8 and STM32 microcontroller families. The single wire interface module (SWIM) and JTAG/serial wire debugging (SWD) interfaces are used to communicate with any STM8 or STM32 microcontroller located on an application board.
1. Support the full range of STM32 SWD interface debugging, simple interface (including power supply), 4 line speed, stable work; Interface definition shell directly address! Dont need to read instructions!
2, support all series STM8 SWIM download debugging (common development environment such as IAR, STVD etc.) are supported. Support the software version is as follows:
ST - LINK Utility 2.0 and above
STVD 2 and above
STVP 3.2.3 and above
IAR EWARM V6.20 and above
IAR EWSTM8 V1.30 and above
KEIL RVMDK V4.21 and above
3. Support the firmware upgrade automatically, to ensure that the ST company product support. When they leave the firmware has been upgraded to the latest V2. The J17. S4.
4. Increase the 5 v power output, the output it can protect the I/O port, not afraid of error cause damage of ST - LINK V2!
5. Easy interface to use pure copper plating 2.54 spacing horn, with 20 cm dupont line, can deal with different target board line sequence, flexible connection;
6. Use U disk aluminum alloy shell to protect the mainboard, convenient to carry, not afraid of static electricity, not afraid of tumbling.

Technical details
Dimensions 80mm x80mm x14mm
Weight G.W 19g
Battery Exclude


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Donec ullamcorper magna enim, vitae fermentum turpis elementum quis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Curabitur vel sem mi. Proin in lobortis ipsum. Aliquam rutrum tempor ex ac rutrum. Maecenas nunc nulla, placerat at eleifend in, viverra etos sem. Nam sagittis lacus metus, dignissim blandit magna euismod eget. Suspendisse a nisl lacus. Phasellus eget augue tincidunt, sollicitudin lectus sed, convallis desto. Pellentesque vitae dui lacinia, venenatis erat sit amet, fringilla felis. Nullam maximus nisi nec mi facilisis.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ut blandit risus. Donec mollis nec tellus et rutrum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Ut consequat quam a purus faucibus scelerisque. Mauris ac dui ante. Pellentesque congue porttitor tempus. Donec sodales dapibus urna sed dictum. Duis congue posuere libero, a aliquam est porta quis.

Donec ullamcorper magna enim, vitae fermentum turpis elementum quis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Curabitur vel sem mi. Proin in lobortis ipsum. Aliquam rutrum tempor ex ac rutrum. Maecenas nunc nulla, placerat at eleifend in, viverra etos sem. Nam sagittis lacus metus, dignissim blandit magna euismod eget. Suspendisse a nisl lacus. Phasellus eget augue tincidunt, sollicitudin lectus sed, convallis desto. Pellentesque vitae dui lacinia, venenatis erat sit amet, fringilla felis. Nullam maximus nisi nec mi facilisis.